Thank you for your interest in Cave Canem!

Submissions after Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET will not be accepted.

About the Cave Canem Fellowship

Cave Canem supports the work of Black poets through a suite of core programs, including an annual Retreat hosted at the University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg. The Retreat offers an unparalleled opportunity for Cave Canem Fellows to: study with esteemed faculty during a series of intensive poetry workshops; attend thought-provoking presentations, public & private readings; engage in creative discourse; and join an expansive community of peers.

Due to our generous community of institutional funders and individual donors, there is no submission fee for the Fellowship application and the Retreat is free to all Fellows.

Application Guidelines

Applicants must submit a Cover Letter, and a writing sample via Submittable. Attachments that do not follow these guidelines will be disqualified:

  • A PDF of six (6) pages of poems.
  • Poems must be in English
  • The poet's name should not be included on any page of the poetry attachment.
  • Page breaks should be used to separate poems. Each poem should start on a new page and its title formatted in bold. 
  • The document should be paginated. Place page numbers in the footers of each page (Example: Page 2 of 6)
  • Legible, 12-point font, serif should be used.
  • One application per candidate.

     Please direct any formatting queries to


Considerations & Exclusions

Applicants must confirm that they will be 21 years or older at the time of the 2025 Cave Canem Retreat, which will take place June 8-15, 2025.

The Cave Canem Fellowship includes:    

  • Invitation to the Retreat
  • Access to Fellows & Faculty Fund
  • Access to exclusive scholarships for select writing residences
  • Archival training
  • Inclusion in public programming (readings, panels, multi-genre collaborations, etc.)
  • Subscription to a bimonthly Cave Canem resource containing community news and exclusive offers
Cave Canem Foundation, Inc.